Kumi's Palace of Yuri - Uchiyama Page

Dear Friends..

Welcome to the page for Uchiyamas - two fake fantasy races I made years and years ago! I even had an rp I ran for a while based on them (Though I sadly lost the page due to Yahell.)

My fanfictions will explain more about the two races and have some very racy and naughty scenes for them. My gallery will let you see some examples of the two races, especially of the two primary characters I conceived. I hope you like them.

A special thanks needs to be given to Xander-san who commissioned so many of these pictures and encouraged me to eventually get back to the story and make it happen! Thank you for chasing me - your patience has paid off!

Make sure you come back often as this page is gonna see a lot of stuff coming its way!


The Uchiyama List

Uchiyama Image Gallery
Updated Updated 27/10/24 New

Anko’s Diary - Chapter One
New Added 27/10/24 New

Anko’s Diary - Chapter Two
New Added 27/10/24 New

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